禁忌的友谊比禁忌的爱情更加致命一南一北原是同根却被历史与仇恨划开了血淋淋的伤口无法愈合You haven’t learned much about Panmunjom. Here the peace is reserved by hiding the truth. But they both really want this, that the investigation proves nothing after all. 学哲学出身的朴导演拍出了JSA这个地带的特殊氛围他以一个简单的故事展现背后历史和政治的大问题那条分界线那座不归桥那些被掩盖的真相那种微妙而脆弱的平衡“非军事区有时会烧野草让视野开阔有天晚上我们烧掉了一大片芦苇地雷全爆炸了守寡后我重生了就像烟花一样”
1.cowboy. 2.smart. 3.congress is trading. 4.politic is billionair's game. 5. anti communist. 6.non-educated is easy to control. 7.that is how Russia falling down.